A team of four students of our MSc CLAMSES wins the SUS5 competition

200 students and post-docs organized in 50 teams took part to the competition
Premiazione SUS5

In the night between the 18th and the 19th of June the Hackaton Stats Under The Stars 5 took place. The hackaton was organized by the Italian Statistical Society.

The fifth edition of Stats Under the Stars was sponsored by Generali Italia, SAS and managed by the Bocconi Institute for Data Science and Analytics and Bocconi University
Innovations in Learning and Teaching.

Some 200 students and post-docs from all over the country organized in 50 teams took part to the competition. The teams worked from evening till morning on a real dataset of insurance data.

Our MSc in Economics and Statistics (CLAMSES) participated with 5 teams and one of our teams won the coveted price: best predictive power. The team’s name is GoldFisher, and the members are

  • Alice Giampino
  • Federico Melograna
  • Nicholas Missineo
  • Beatrice Somaschini

Below you find some link to the press coverage (in Italian).


Sole 24 Ore
