Workshop on Development Economics: "Challenges and Opportunities for Policy Making and Growth in Africa"

21-22 March, Rodolfi room, 4th floor, building U6


Thursday 21 March

9:45 - 10:55         Keynote address: Markus Goldstein (the World Bank) “Property Rights, Growth and Welfare in Africa”

Session 1: Labor Markets and Entrepreneurship

  • 11:20 - 12:10       Diego Ubfal (Bocconi University), “Peer Networks and Entrepreneurship: a Pan-African RCT” (with Fernando Vega Redondo (Bocconi University), Cristiana Benedetti-Fasil (European Commission), Charles Brummit (Harvard University), Gaia Rubera (Bocconi University) and Paolo Pin (Bocconi University) )
  • 12:10 - 13:00       Stefano Caria (University of Bristol), “Anonymity or Distance? Experimental Evidence on Obstacles to Youth Employment Opportunities” (with Girum Abebe (Ethiopian Development Research Institute), Simon Franklin (LSE), Simon Quinn (University of Oxford), Marcel Fafchamps (Stanford University), Paolo Falco (OECD), and Forhad Shilpi (the World Bank))

Session 2: Health and Fertility

  • 14:00 - 14:50       Teresa Molina (Nova SBE & NOVAFRICA), “Non-financial Incentives of Community Health Workers in Guinea-Bissau”, (with Mattia Fracchia (Nova SBE) and Pedro Vicente (Nova SBE & NOVAFRICA))
  • 14:50 - 15:40       Roberta Ziparo (Aix-Marseille School of Economics),  “Maternal Mortality Risk and the Gender Gap in Desired Fertility”, (with Nava Ashraf (LSE), Erica Field (Duke University) and Alessandra Voena (University of Chicago))

Session 3: Field and Lab Experiments in Agriculture

  • 16:10 - 17:00       Jacopo Bonan (Politecnico di Milano), “Agricultural Transformation and Farmers' Expectations: Randomized Experimental Evidence from Uganda”, (with Harounan Kazianga (Oklahoma State University) and Mariapia Mendola (Università Milano Bicocca))
  • 17:00 - 17:50       Tanguy Bernard (University of Bordeaux, GREThA), “Cheap Talk and Coordination in the Lab and in the Field: Collective Commercialization in Senegal” (with Fo Kodjo Dzinyefa Aagah (University of Maryland) and Angelino Viceisza (Spelman College))


Friday 22 March

9:30 - 10:40         Keynote address: Tessa Bold (IIES- Stockholm University), “The Lost Human Capital: Low Education Quality and What to Do About It”

Session 1: Human capital investment

  • 11:10 - 12:00       Guilherme Lichand (University of Zurich), “Parent-bias”, (with Juliette Thibaud (University of Zurich))
  • 12:00 - 12:50       Selim Gulesci (Bocconi University), “Liquidity and the Demand for Education: Evidence from Tanzania” (with Konrad Burchardi (IIES - Stockholm University) and Jon de Quidt (IIES - Stockholm University)) 

