ReLunch & CISEPS Seminar: Egon Tripodi (University of Essex)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021, 12:30, online

Social Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Blood Donors


Next ReLunch seminar, joint with CISEPS: Egon Tripodi (University of Essex), will present

Social Recognition: Experimental Evidence from Blood Donors

Abstract: Does social recognition motivate repeat contributors? In collaboration with a blood donor association we conduct large-scale experiments with Italian blood donors. We test for social recognition both through social media and in peer groups. We experimentally disentangle visibility concerns from peer comparisons and we study how exposure to different norms of behavior affects giving. Overall, the main intervention increases giving by 24.6 percent relative to participants that receive no solicitation. However, a simple ask to donate is at least as effective as solicitations that emphasize social recognition. In peer groups, neither we find visibility concerns to generate additional donations, nor we find donations to be increasing in the norms that participants are exposed to. In one initial study and two subsequent replications that focus on recognition on social media, we find no evidence that donors are motivated by the prospect of their donations being observed by others. Overall, our findings caution against over-reliance on social recognition to promote good citizenship.

Tuesday, May 18, 12:30

Online through Webex

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