DEMS Management seminar: Joris Ebber, LUISS Business School

Wednesday, March 15, at 12pm, DEMS Seminar Room 2104, Buiding U7-2nd floor

Going for grants or crowdfunding? The effects of emerging artists’ motivations and field specific logics


The DEMS Management Seminar series is proud to host  

 Joris Ebber 
LUISS Business School


In this paper we study the relationships between the career motivations of emerging artists and their intentions to apply for grants or to use crowdfunding. In addition, we study if these relationships are moderated by the extent to which the specific art field in which emerging artists are active, is dominated by an artistic logic or a market logic. We find a negative relationship between emerging artists being motivated by independence and their intentions to use crowdfunding. In addition, we find a positive relationship between emerging artists being motivated by recognition and their intentions to apply for grants and to use crowdfunding. Finally, we find that the relationship between independence and intentions to use crowdfunding is negatively moderated by the extent to which the art field in which an emerging artist is active, is dominated by an artistic (instead of a market) logic. Our study contributes to research on self-determination theory, career motivations, early-stage funding and institutional logics in the context of creative industries.


Joris Ebbers is Full Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Luiss Business School and Academic Dean of their hub in Amsterdam. Before joining Luiss Business School, he was Associate Professor at the Amsterdam Business School, where he also acted as Deputy Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation section and co-founded the Entrepreneurship and Management in Creative Industries (EMCI) specialization in the MSc in Business Administration. He teaches entrepreneurship, business models, strategic management, creative leadership, and creative industries. His main research interests are entrepreneurship, social networks, and organization. He studies this mostly in the context of creative industries and new ventures. He published in academic journals that include Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Organization Studies, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Strategic Organization, Human Relations, European Management Review, and Journal of Cultural Economics. Joris was a visiting scholar at New York University Stern School of Business, Bayes (formerly Cass) Business School London, University of Bologna, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, and Freie Universität Berlin. Finally, he is a member of the editorial board of Journal of Business Venturing.

The seminar will in presence, DEMS Seminar Room 2104, Building U7-2nd floor