DEMS Management Webinar: Denita Cepiku (Tor Vergata University)

Wednesday, April 20, at 12pm, online

Performance information use by public managers: determinants and effects


The DEMS Management Webinar series is proud to host   

Denita Cepiku
(Tor Vergata University)


Performance management has been an unchallenged rhetoric of public-sector reforms. However, its benefits depend on the extent to which decision-makers use such systems. In the extant literature, empirical evidence on the determinants and benefits of performance information use, considered a form of managerial behavior and an organizational routine, remains scant and partial. This article provides original evidence on how and why public managers use performance information and with what effects. One hundred case studies were analyzed through a large-N qualitative comparative analysis to highlight combinations of five super-conditions covering the characteristics of performance information systems, features of public managers and context. The results show that adequacy of performance information received is a fundamental condition, which needs to be complemented by either effective implementation of performance management systems or leadership commitment, in combination with a favorable context.


The seminar will be online on Webex (link below)