DEMS Economics Seminar: Maria De Paola (Università della Calabria and INPS)

Thursday, April 7th, at 12pm, Aula del Consiglio DEMS (U7-4th floor)



The DEMS Economics Seminar series is proud to host   

  Maria De Paola

 (Università della Calabria and INPS)

Abstract: We investigate the impact of a pension reform that increased expected minimum retirement age on sick leave. We focus on employees in the private sector who at the time of the reform (end of 2011) had at least five years to go before minimum retirement age, and follow these individuals for five years after the reform was introduced. To disentangle the impact of the reform, we adopt a difference-in-differences strategy and compare absence behavior in the years following the reform relatively to the pre-reform period according to treatment intensity. We find, that while, women increase sick leave absences in response to retirement age postponement, men’s reaction goes in the opposite direction. These behaviors are detected Mainly  for short-term absences, while long term sick leave episodes are not affected, suggesting that the effects detected in our analysis are unlikely to derive, at least exclusively, from changes in individual health conditions. Evidence supporting this conclusion is found also when we complement our analysis using survey data including information on self-reported health. 

Joint with G. Brunello (Padua) and L. Rocco (Padua)

The seminar will be in person. Room: Aula del consiglio (U7 – 4th floor)