ReLunch Seminar: Laura Pagani (DEMS)

Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 12:00, Aula del Consiglio

A peer like me? Early exposure to high achievers in math and later educational outcomes


Next ReLunch seminar: Laura Pagani (DEMS), will present

“A peer like me? Early exposure to high achievers in math and later educational outcomes”

Abstract: This paper investigates whether exposure to academically gifted peers of the same and opposite gender in primary school (grade 5, at age 10) affects later academic achievement (grade 8, at age 13) and high-school track choice. For identification we exploit random allocation of kids across classes within primary schools. We document that, conditional on primary school fixed effects and grade 8 class fixed effects, as well as on baseline achievement, a higher share of same/opposite gender high-achievers in math in primary school is related, both for boys and girls, to better/worse later math academic achievement in grade 8 and to a higher/lower probability of choosing a scientific high-school track. We argue that these results are consistent with a role model channel.

Tuesday, October 12, 12:00 

IN PERSON SEMINAR. LOCATION: Aula del Consiglio, 4th floor, U7

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