Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Finance

Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Finance

Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Finance


Summer School in Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation and
Entrepreneurial Finance                                                                                          

Lake Como School of Advanced Studies

Fondazione Alessandro Volta at Villa del Grumello, Como, Italy

May 6-9, 2024

The Summer School aims to address some factors of emerging importance which affects the creation, success, survival and effective development of new businesses and ventures, such as: the internal and external decision-making processes, the social and environmental concerns, the entrepreneurial ecosystems, the availability of financial instruments and the changing financial environment. The broadest purpose is to develop an ongoing and constructive dialogue among senior, young and aspiring entrepreneurship, innovation, and finance scholars to conduct research relevant to entrepreneurship theory and practice in the contemporary world.


The school is addressed to doctoral students and early-stage researchers with a research proposal in the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation or finance for a maximum of 24 participants.


The application deadline is 31st of January, 2024.


To learn more about the school, please visit the website

For the online application, please visit and read carefully the call for applications included here.


For enquiries regarding the application procedure and accomodation please contact:


For enquiries about the scientific aspects of the school, please contact:

The summer school has been realised within the MUSA – Multilayered Urban Sustainability Action – project, funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU, under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) Mission 4 Component 2 Investment Line 1.5: Strengthening of research structures and creation of R&D “innovation ecosystems”, set up of “territorial leaders in R&D”.



