DEMS Economics Seminar: Carlos Alós-Ferrer (University of Zurich)

Wednesday, January 10 at 12:00pm, Seminar Room 2104, Buiding U7-2nd floor

Learning Preferences from Response Times


The DEMS Economics Seminar series is proud to host   

Carlos Alós-Ferrer

(University of Zurich)



This talk reports on recent work showing how to use response time data and choice frequencies to elicit preferences nonparametrically when choices are stochastic. It discusses theoretical results and their empirical implementation. The talk also discusses two recent applications. The first shows how we can separate non-transitive preferences from noise-generated transitivity violations, a problem so far unresolved. The second shows how to apply the techniques to improve the analysis of survey data and determine whether a group (defined, e.g., by gender, age cohort, socioeconomic status, etc.) prefers an option over its alternative more than another group, even when individual choices are noisy, and without any assumptions on the noise.


The seminar will be in presence, Seminar Room 2104, Building U7-2nd floor