Research centres
Research centres at DEMS
The mission of the Bicocca Applied Statistics Center’s (B-ASC) is applying statistical methods and data analysis to private businesses and public institutions. The primary objective is becoming a landmark for companies and institutions that intend to develop rational decision processes based on integrated information systems and statistics.
The Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS) promotes research on European countries following the highest standards in economic research and with an international vocation. The Center gathers scholars from several different fields in Economics, with the objectve of contributing to the empirical and theoretical debate on the European economy.
CISEPS is an interdisciplinary research center at the University of Milan Bicocca. The aim of the Center is to contribute to the advancement of social sciences through interdisciplinary research focused on the improvement of the explanatory and predictive capabilities of the basic models in economics, psychology, sociology and social sciences in general.
The Data Science Lab starts operating in 2018 thanks to the Departments of Excellence grant. The goal of the Data Science Lab is providing computational infrastructures and consulting to DEMS, our University, businesses and institutions. The members of the Lab either belong to the core team and/or to expert groups that take part in those projects, in which their field expertise is needed.
The Websight Observatory monitors the activity of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises through an innovative approach based on the analysis of their digital footprints, integrated with balance sheet data. This method makes it possible to forecast company performance and support the elaboration of development strategies. The research focuses on two areas: innovation economics and business insolvency prediction.
Research centres participated by DEMS
Best4food represents a scientific and technological center where research institutions and companies collaborate to realize research and innovation in food transformation, distribution and consumption in order to improve environmental sustainability and human life quality. In the center, food and nutritional aspects are tackled through different scientific profiles (social, anthropological psychological/neuroscientific, legal, economical, pedagogical, ICT-based, biotechnological and environmental level) to identify the most suitable strategy to impact on research, and innovation. The adoption of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach during project planning, results analysis and output valorisation allow to fill the gap between research and the market.
The mission of the Milan Center for Neuroscience is to promote high-level multidisciplinary research and education in the field of Neuroscience, to uncover mechanisms of nervous system function and dysfunction at different ages.