DEMS Management Webinar: Roberto Gabriele (University of Trento)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 12:00, on Webex

The Impact of Tourism Intensity: On the Estimation of Social Carrying Capacity's Evolution


As part of the DEMS Management Webinar series Professor Roberto Gabriele (University of Trento) will present the paper: 

The Impact of Tourism Intensity: On the Estimation of Social Carrying Capacity's Evolution

Wednesday, March 10, 12:00

Online through Webex (pw: DEMSseminar)

Roberto Gabriele, full professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento. Graduated in statistics from "La Sapienza" in Rome, he obtained a PhD in Economics and Management from the Scuola Sant’Anna in Pisa. He is affiliated with the IrCres CNR of Rome and the Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School of Pisa. He collaborates with several scientists in Italy and abroad. He deals with the evaluation of public policies and industrial dynamics. He has published in several international scientific journals such as: Journal of Technology Transfer, Industrial and Corporate Change, Industry and Innovation, Industrial Relations, Annals of Tourism Research, Economics of Innovation and New Technology. He collaborated with the Autonomous Province of Trento on various industrial policy evaluation projects and worked with the IRVAPP (institute for the evaluation of public policies) of Trento. He develops agent-based models and uses counterfactual econometric techniques for empirical analyzes.
