DEMS Management Webinar: Raffaele Conti (ESSEC Business School)

Wednesday, October 13, 2021, 12:00, on Webex

Female Employment in Startups and Labor Market Flexibility: Evidence from a Regression-discontinuity-in-time Approach


As part of the DEMS Management Webinar series Professor Raffaele Conti (ESSEC Business School) will present the paper: 

“Female Employment in Startups and Labor Market Flexibility: Evidence from a Regression-discontinuity-in-time Approach”

Wednesday, October 13, 12:00

Online through Webex (pw: DEMSseminar)

Raffaele Conti, Full Professor, received a Ph.D. in Management from Bocconi University and a M.Sc. in Economics from Pompeu Fabra University. His research interests focus primarily on how institutions affect innovation, entrepreneurship, and, more broadly, the economic behavior of individuals and organizations. He currently serves as Associate Editor of Management Science and of the Strategic Management Journal. 